Pre-Recorded Trainings and Webinars

Available Training

The online training library features FREE trainings for professionals and parents. Use the registration links to view the pre-recorded webinars.

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Presented by Stacey Chambers, MS Ed, BCBA

  • This training focuses on the basics of sleep and strategies that can often make a difference for students struggling with sleep issues.

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WNYRCASD Annual Conference presented by Katherine Bellone Mount, Ph.D., BCBA, ABPP, Kristine A. Rodriguez, M.A., BCBA, Jill E. Senner, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Matthew R. Baud, MS, CCC-SLP

  • This conference recording provides a broader perspective of essential elements of effective and compassionate interventions for children who present developmental and behavioral challenges.

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Presentation 1 slides presented by Katherine Bellone Mount, Ph.D., BCBA, ABPP

Presentation 2 slides presented by Kristine A. Rodriguez, M.A., BCBA

Presentation 3 slides presented by Jill E. Senner, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Matthew R. Baud, MS, CCC-SLP

Presented by David Meichenbaum, Ph.D. (Approximate Length: 1.5 Hours)

  • Learning Objectives: 1. To identify the limitation of most conventional behavioral approaches 2. To learn practical evidence-based strategies that can reduce problematic behaviors and build adaptive alternative behaviors. 3. To identify the components needed in developing a comprehensive behavior intervention plan, including means for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of behavior plans.

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Making Social Skills Fun – May 31, 2023

Presented by Juli Gunner (Approximate Length: 25 minutes)

  • This webinar will discuss the basics of teaching social skills via behavioral skills training (e.g., “skillstreaming”), an evidence-based strategy for helping individuals learn prosocial ways to have their needs met. Participants will be provided with a brief introduction and examples of how to make social skill instruction enjoyable, relevant, and generalizable. This presentation has a target audience of any professional who interacts with individuals on the autism spectrum. Learning Objectives: Participants will demonstrate understanding of the 4 components of behavioral skills training (instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback), and how these can be adapted to support learners across developmental levels. Participants will learn how to identify target skills, execute situationally relevant role plays, and create engaging opportunities for contrived and generalized skill practice. Participants will recognize the importance of the relationship between emotional identification/regulation skills and adaptive/prosocial behavior.

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Webinar PowerPoint

Job Exploration and Exposure Opportunities Through a Well-built Vocation Program: The Basics – May 24, 2023

Presented by Shawn Scibetta and Dineen Harvey (Approximate Length: 35 minutes)

  • This webinar will discuss the basics of providing work-based learning opportunities for students with developmental disabilities within the school setting. Participants will be provided with a basic understanding of how to provide job exploration and exposure opportunities, as well as how to determine appropriate activities and potential work placements for vocationally-ready students. This presentation has a target audience of any professional who interacts with individuals on the autism spectrum, especially those working with secondary-aged students.

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Webinar PowerPoint

How to Encourage Appropriate Toileting Behavior in a School Setting – March 28, 2023

Presented by Amy Armstrong (Approximate Length: 35 minutes)

  • This webinar will discuss appropriate toileting behavior in a school setting. Toileting is an important skill to improve behaviors in social situations, increase community involvement, and improvement in hygiene.  In this webinar, participants will learn what behaviors surrounding toilet training should be reinforced and how to assist students with being as independent as possible.

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Webinar PowerPoint

Applied Behavior Analysis: What is it and Why is it Used? – June 9, 2022

Presented by Stacey Chambers (Approximate Length: 30 minutes)

  • This 30-minute webinar will give participants a basic understanding of what Applied Behavior Analysis is and what quality ABA instruction looks like for young children. Participants will also be given a brief explanation of the research supporting the use of instruction rooted in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis for young children with autism.

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Help Me Help You: Teaching Children to Complete Chores at Home – June 8, 2022

Presented by Juli Gunner, MS.Ed., BCBA (Approximate Length: 50 minutes)
Audience: Parents or caregivers

  • This one-hour webinar is intended for caregivers of children with different abilities. As children get older, they are often expected to complete more chores at home. However, this is easier said than done if children lack the motivation or thoroughness needed to complete these tasks. This training will discuss ways to select, teach, and reinforce domestic skills to help your child become more helpful at home.

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Chore Checklist Download

Strategies for Effective Advocacy for Children with Autism – May 31, 2022

Presented by Rebecca Meyer, M.S., M.S.W. (Approximate Length: 20 minutes)
Audience: Parents or caregivers and professionals

  • Effective advocacy by both practitioners and caregivers is essential to meeting the unique needs of children with autism. It is also critical that we support self-advocacy by the individual. This 30-minute webinar will help both practitioners and caregivers develop a framework for creating a collaborative approach, in which the child’s needs can be met

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Behavioral Strategies to Reduce Inappropriate Mealtime Behavior – May 18, 2022

Presented by Dr. Jennifer Felber, Ph.D., BCBA, LBA (Approximate Length: 55 minutes)
Audience: Parents or caregivers

  • Research suggests approximately 80% of children with developmental disabilities often meet criteria for a pediatric feeding disorder at some point in their lives. This session is designed for caregivers with children who demonstrate feeding difficulties or challenging behaviors surrounding mealtimes. This presentation will provide an overview of feeding challenges and difficulties and provide examples of evidence-based treatment strategies.

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Functional Communication Training: The Basics – May 17, 2022

Presented by Rachel Epstein, MS. Ed. CCC-SLP and Amy Armstrong, MS. Ed., BCBA, LBA (Approximate Length: 30 minutes)
Audience: Professionals

  • This webinar will consist of a presentation by Rachel Epstein and Amy Armstrong. They will discuss Functional Communication Training (FCT) which is when an individual is taught to communicate their wants and needs instead of engaging in an inappropriate behavior. Participants will be provided a brief introduction and examples of how FCT can be incorporated into a classroom setting.

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Tools, Tips, and Strategies for Successful Toilet Training – May 4, 2022

Presented by Dr. Daniel W. Mruzek, PhD, BCBA-D (Approximate Length: 1 hour)
Audience: Parents or caregivers

  • In this one-hour workshop, we will discuss straightforward strategies for toilet training learners with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. In addition, Dr. Mruzek will address common barriers to toileting success.

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Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Social Skills – April 27, 2022

Presented by Mary Bennett, M.S. Ed. (Approximate Length: 40 minutes)

  • This webinar will consist of a presentation by Mary Bennett who will discuss Behavioral Skills Training (BST), which is a well-researched teaching strategy that can be used across a wide variety of contexts. The content of this webinar will focus on using instructional design and data analysis to help your students learn and generalize social skills. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is used to teach and practice new skills by providing directions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback to individuals or groups of learners. In this webinar, participants will learn the fundamentals of using BST to teach social skills to learners with autism and other developmental disabilities.

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Promoting Independence Using Activity Schedules: Explore the Possibilities – April 25, 2022

Presented by Chrissy Ray, M.S. Ed. (Approximate Length: 1 hour)

  • This webinar is intended for parents and caregivers of children with autism and/or developmental disabilities. An activity schedule is comprised of visual reminders to help children perform a series of activities or task. The visual reminders can be pictures, photographs, words and objects. Ms. Ray will help participants in this webinar learn how activity schedules can be used at home to promote independence in domestic, self-help, play and leisure skills. This webinar will provide practical guidance that many parents may be able to deploy right away.

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Striving for Independence: Teaching Self-Help Skills to People with Autism – March 30, 2022

Presented by Dr. Jennifer Toomey, PhD (Approximate Length: 30 minutes)

  • This webinar will consist of a presentation by Dr. Jennifer Toomey who will discuss how self-help skills, often delayed in individuals with ASD, are crucial in developing independence. Failure to address may prevent community integration, school functions, recreational activities, and eventually housing and job opportunities. This webinar will help practitioners find ways to choose and develop these skills

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“Developing My Story,” A Strengths Based Approach to Autism – January 28, 2022

Presented by Nicholas Rockwell, M.S. Ed., and Jennifer Ventry, TSSLD, M.S. Ed. (Approximate Length: 50 minutes)

  • The “Developing My Story,” A Strengths Based Approach to Autism workshop covers the “My Story” project that is helping Summit students understand and share their strengths, interests, and things they’re motivated to learn.

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Effective Virtual Instruction Strategies for Students with Autism and Related Disabilities – Dec. 21, 2020

Presented by Chrissy Ray, MS. Ed (Approximate Length: 2 Hours)

  • The 2020 school year has brought about many new obstacles and changes for educators worldwide.  Educational teams are being challenged to adopt new instructional practices that incorporate distance learning. When planning distance learning lessons for students with autism and related disabilities, educators may be faced with additional challenges in terms of engagement, working with families, and lesson design.  In this webinar, strategies are offered for educators to use in order to make the shift from in-class instruction to synchronous virtual instruction. Using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, peer-reviewed research, and live examples, the speakers will present a comprehensive training on strategies including virtual instruction basics, building parent partnerships, and increasing student engagement through distance learning. This training also offers information for using some of the most common and user-friendly platforms to incorporate into virtual instruction. This training is designed to create energy and excitement around using virtual learning platforms with students with autism and related disabilities, and their families, through the use of effective strategies and sharing success stories. Participants will be able to identify 5 strategies for building effective partnerships with parents, identify positive outcomes associated with Virtual Instruction and learn ways to increase learner engagement through Virtual Instruction.

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Addressing Behavior Problems in the Virtual and In-person Classroom for Students with Autism and Related Disabilities – Dec. 21, 2020

Presented by David A. Meichenbaum, Ph.D. of The Summit Center, Inc. (Approximate Length: 2 hours)

  • Virtual and hybrid learning models present a series of challenges that increase the risk of behavioral difficulties for children with ASD.   This workshop will identify important considerations to understand and address behavior challenges.  During the first hour, strategies will be presented to help reduce maladaptive behaviors and to support the acquisition and demonstration of more appropriate behaviors across home and classroom settings. During the second hour, participants will be able to understand the factors, specific to the current circumstances, that are contributing to challenging behaviors, list supports and accommodations to minimize challenging behaviors for virtual and ‘hybrid’ learners and identify strategies to increase the development and demonstration of adaptive alternative behaviors across settings. Speaker Disclosure: Dr. Meichenbaum receives his salary from The Summit Center and has no nonfinancial disclosures

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Summit Summer Programs: Strategies to Support This Upcoming School Year’s Educators – Aug. 21, 2020

Presented by David Meichenbaum, Ph.D., Director of Community Consulting & Clinical Services at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 1 hour)

  • This webinar is designed for educators who will be working with a student this upcoming school year who has (or would have) attended one of Summit’s 5-week summer treatment programs (i.e., Community Connections Program or ADHD STP). The emphasis of this training is to highlight the various components of the summer programs that are evidence-based (proven to be effective) and to indicate how these strategies and techniques can be adapted for use in a school-based program. The goal of this training is to help generalize the gains and successes the students demonstrate during the summer program into the upcoming school year.

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Implementing Visuals in the Classroom – June 1, 2020

Presented by Christine Ray, MS. Ed, Clinical Trainer at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 1 hour)

  • All school personnel, including classroom aides, personal care aides, related service providers and families of school-age children with disabilities. Visual Supports are tools that aide individuals in interacting and appropriately responding to different stimuli and events within their natural environment. Participants will learn to identify how to utilize visuals throughout the school day, be provided examples of different visual supports, and learn the role of reinforcement when using Visual Supports.  Fading visual supports will also be discussed.

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Building Skills vs. Doing Skills:  Considerations and Strategies for Reducing Adult Supports & Fostering Independence – April 20, 2020

Presented by David Meichenbaum, Ph.D., Director of Community Consulting & Clinical Services at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 1 hour)

  • All school personnel, including classroom aides, personal care aides, related service providers and families of school-age children with disabilities. This webinar is designed for all professionals/caregivers who support a child with a developmental disability or disruptive behavior disorder.  Emphasis will be placed on the provision of assistance (or “aiding”), to emphasize the important role of building skills rather than doing skills.  Participants will leave with a framework for fostering independence that includes attending to and tracking prompts/accommodations, developing and implementing individualized independence plans (IIPs), and establishing means to monitor progress.  Specific cases and solutions will be provided.

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Redefining Consequence: Considerations and Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behaviors (for Professionals)

Presented by David Meichenbaum, Ph.D., Director of Community Consulting & Clinical Services at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 90 minutes)

  • This webinar is designed for educators, related service providers, and community professionals who work with a child who demonstrates recurring challenging behaviors. This presentation goes beyond determining the cause of challenging behaviors and examines how many conventional ways of responding to difficult behavior contribute to the persistence of challenges. Practical evidence- based strategies to decrease maladaptive behaviors, increase adaptive alternative behaviors, and evaluate the effectiveness of intervention plans will be offered.  Attendees will consider whether their current means of responding to challenging behaviors include the necessary elements to build skills and curtail future problematic behaviors. Specific case examples will be provided.

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Redefining Consequence: Considerations and Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behaviors (for parents/caregivers)

Presented by David Meichenbaum, Ph.D., Director of Community Consulting & Clinical Services at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 90 minutes)

  • This webinar is designed for families of school-age children with disabilities. This presentation highlights how for some children many conventional ways of responding to difficult behavior contribute to the persistence of challenges. Practical strategies to increase more positive behaviors will be offered. Examples will be provided.

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Effective Prompting Strategies Used to Teach Vocational Skills

Presented by Lori Simmons, Transition Coordinator and Supervising Clinician at The Summit Center (Approximate Length: 1 hour)

  • All school personnel, including classroom aides, personal care aides, and related service providers. This presentation will describe various prompting strategies and discusses how to potentially apply them to the vocational setting. Prompt fading will be covered, as well as some pitfalls that can lead to prompt dependency.

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